The postal address is 6 Lower Burch Row, Eyam, Hope Valley, Sheffield, S32 5QF. Visits to 6 Lower Burch Row, Eyam, are strictly by prior appointment only. Telephone & fax 01433-631508, preferably between 9.30 am and 2.00 pm Monday to Friday. Email
Click here on Anglo-Spanish Law to send an email. Upon clicking on the hyperlinked, ie the underlined in blue "Anglo-Spanish Law", the dialogue box for sending an email will appear in your email editor, (for example, Microsoft Outlook), with the email address of Anglo-Spanish Law already typed in, leaving you to fill in the rest of the email.
If clicking the above hyperlinks does not work for any reason, then the address to manually type in is the old email address of or, preferably, the newer email address of
The old email address of has a mail box that fills up quickly, often with junk mail / spam, and bounces genuine emails. It isn't that it doesn't work. It is that it works imperfectly, and the newer email address of is, currently, the better of the two email addresses.
Mobile phone usage is limited to phoning from the edge of a road and is not available for incoming calls from anyone. Text messages left on the mobile phone will not be answered.